ACI Physical Therapy offers trigger point dry needling in our Roxboro, North Carolina clinic. Dr. William Nutt, PT is a Doctor of Physical Therapy with additional certification for dry needling.
Dry needling is used for the assessment and treatment of myofascial pain syndromes and dysfunction due to myofascial trigger points, tension areas, muscle spasms, and/or increased tonicity. Dry needling is a form of therapy that is designed to alleviate symptoms from Trigger Points or muscle spasms.
Dry Needling is a procedure which requires additional equipment, expertise and liability, and in most cases is NOT covered by health insurance.
ACI Physical Therapy offers Dry Needling at the following fees:
For patients not in active Physical Therapy treatment:
- Initial Evaluation for Dry Needling $85.00
- Follow Up Visits $70.00 per unit (35 minutes)
For patients in active Physical Therapy treatment:
- In Conjunction with PT Visit $30.00 per unit (15 minutes)
- Not in Conjunction with PT Visit $70.00 per unit (35 minutes)
Payment is due at the time of service.
Cash, Check or Credit Cards are accepted.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is dry needling?
Dry needling is a medical treatment that relies on a medical diagnosis to be effective. Dr. Will Nutt, PT will assess your physical pain or dysfunction, then insert a tiny monofilament needle in a muscle or muscles in order to release shortened bands of muscles and decrease trigger point activity. This can help resolve pain and muscle tension, and will promote healing.
Who can benefit?
Dry needling is a valuable and effective treatment for musculoskeletal pain. Patients with the following symptoms may benefit from this treatment:
- Back pain
- Muscle Strains
- Tendonitis
- Osteoarthritis
- Bursitis
- Decrease Mobility/Range of Motion
- Headaches
- Chronic Pain
What to expect from treatment?
Most patients report being sore after the procedure. The soreness is described as muscle soreness over the area treated and into the areas of referred symptoms. Typically, the soreness lasts between a few hours and two days. Recommendations vary depending on the amount of soreness you have and on the individual response to treatment, but may include applying heat or ice over the area, gentle stretches and modifications of activities. We also recommend drinking a lot of fluids/water to prevent any excessive amounts of soreness.
Like any treatment, there are possible complications. While complications are rare in occurrence, they are real and must be considered prior to giving consent for treatment. Side effects to be expected after the treatment include: muscle soreness of the treated area, fatigue, slight dizziness although all of these are minimal.
Depending on your level of soreness, heat, ice, or gentle stretching is recommended after having the procedure done. It takes 2 minutes to 72 hours for the lesions to heal. Once you feel that moment of healing, email us so we can determine what type of responder you are and when we should see you again.
Who can provide Dry Needling?
Physical Therapists with specialized training and skills can offer dry needling. Dr. William Nutt, PT, DPT is certified to provide this service. Dr. Nutt is an expert in musculoskeletal issues and applies his diagnostic skills to determine where to insert the needles to most effectively relieve your pain.
What does it cost?
Dry needling is a procedure which requires additional equipment, expertise and liability, and in most cases is NOT covered by health insurance. As a result, this service is provided on a self-pay basis.
For patients not in active Physical Therapy treatment:
- Initial Evaluation for Dry Needling $85.00
- Follow Up Visits $70.00 per unit (35 minutes)
For patients in active Physical Therapy treatment:
- In Conjunction with PT Visit $30.00 per unit (15 minutes)
- Not in Conjunction with PT Visit $70.00 per unit (35 minutes)
Payment is due at the time of service.
Cash, Check or Credit Cards are accepted.
What is the difference between Acupuncture and Dry Needling?
Acupuncture and dry needling, while using the same needle types, are two very different treatments. Traditional Acupuncture is used for the diagnosis and treatment of pathological conditions including visceral and systemic dysfunction, while dry needling is used for the assessment and treatment of myofascial pain syndromes and dysfunction due to myofascial trigger points, tension areas, muscle spasms, and/or increased tonicity. Dry needling is a form of therapy that is designed to alleviate symptoms from Trigger Points or muscle spasms.
For more information or if you would like to know if dry needling is a good treatment option for you, please call ACI Physical Therapy in Roxboro, North Carolina.